Flotr: Basic Legend Example


This example shows how to configure the legend. Note I also added a style tag (between the header tags) to add a 2px border to the legend container. I could also style other legend elements. The elements get the the following css classes when they're generated:

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The Code

 * This function prepend each label with 'y = '.
function myLabelFunc(label){
	return 'y = ' + label;

var f = Flotr.draw(
	$('container'), [ 
		{data:d1, label:'x + sin(x + π)'},
		{data:d2, label:'x'},
		{data:d3, label:'15 - cos(x)'}											
			position: 'se', // => position the legend 'south-east'.
			labelFormatter: myLabelFunc, // => format the labels.
			backgroundColor: '#D2E8FF' // => a light blue background color.